Confidence to Homeschool

Are you feeling the urge to choose homeschooling and wondering if it would be right for you? Are you frustrated with the current school systems and what kids are learning and experiencing in school these days? If you’re unsure about how to teach your children everything they ”need” to know while still maintaining your sanity, I understand. Also, what about socialization? Do homeschooled kids have opportunities to socialize? These are all normal questions! If these concerns are holding you back, I have some answers! Hi, I’m Kelsie Shelaine, a mother of four with years of homeschooling experience under my belt and I was right there with you! It doesn’t have to be so difficult sister! Let me guide you through the beginning of your homeschooling journey and help you avoid years of trial and error. We will discuss where to start and share tips that have been game-changers. Let me share with you how to come from a nervous momma, who struggled in school herself and battled all the negative self-talk, to a confident mom growing in faith, and mindset, while successfully achieving homeschooling goals with her kids! I am excited to show you fun and simple ways to homeschool effectively, and spark a love of learning, all starting at just 20 minutes a day! By making God the center of your school, adopting mindset strategies, and fitting school into your life, you will become a confident and unstoppable homeschooling mom. Let’s raise some Kingdom Kids!

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Friday Jun 14, 2024

We have made it through our 5th year of Homeschooling. It is time to check in and see what my Miss Priss thinks of her homeschooling journey so far. We are holding nothing back with the questions! What does she like? What does she dislike? How is it making friends as a homeschooler? All of these and more questions are answered in this special edition interview that I hope you love and enjoy! 
Let's connect Email me at:

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

This week we continue on taking the fear out of homeschooling. We have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips both with Gods guidance for our children if we are listening and with all of the technology around us. Dive into the world of homeschooling where endless information meets the need for divine wisdom. In this episode, we explore how parents can find the right resources and make decisions while depending on God to equip their children for their unique journey. From curriculum choices to educational approaches, discover practical tips and spiritual insights for confidently homeschooling in today's world.
One of our favorite Youtube University Teachers Jack Hartman-
Let's Chat:

Thursday May 30, 2024

Join me in this empowering episode as we confront the fears that often accompany the decision to homeschool. Titled "Tackling the Fears of Homeschooling: Am I Patient Enough, Do I Know Enough, Am I Capable," we dive into the very real doubts that can plague parents considering homeschooling.
From questioning our patience levels to wondering if we have enough knowledge or skills, we're tackling it all. Through candid conversations and small mindset shifts, we'll explore strategies for overcoming these fears and building confidence in our homeschooling journey.
So, whether you're on the fence about homeschooling or already knee-deep in it, tune in for an episode packed with encouragement, reassurance, and the reminder that you've got this!
Lets connect Email me at

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Hey there! As the school year winds down, it’s that time again—end-of-year testing! 📝 But hold up, not every state is on the same page about this. In this episode, we're diving into the testing experience: some states mandate it, others don't. But fear not! Whether your state's into testing or not, we've got insights to share.
Join me as we unpack the testing journey—how it can be a goldmine of info on your child's strengths and areas needing a little extra TLC. Yep, it's like a roadmap for the next academic adventure. Plus, we're chatting about year-round schooling. Ever wondered if it’s the way to go? We've got thoughts.
And hey, if you're thinking of pulling your kid from public school, we've got you covered there too. Testing? Yep, we'll tackle that dilemma too.
So, grab a cuppa ☕ and tune in for some edu-talk and a dash of parenting wisdom. Let's navigate these end-of-year waters together! 🚣‍♂️
-Check Out your State Requirements.
Register for your testing assessment @
Let's connect! Send me any questions you may have or topics you would love to hear covered to  

Wednesday May 15, 2024

How do you have the patience to homeschool? How do you get through it when you are frustrated? Well, the answer is I partner with God. He is the one who brought me to it so I know that he will bring me through it. In today’s Quick Tip episode, we will go over 4 ways we can continue to point our kids back to Jesus and train them from a young age to have a heart for God. Let’s show them how to trust him in all things big and small and we start that by modeling it for them. 

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Welcome to another episode of our homeschooling journey! Today, we're tackling the delicate balance of staying sane while embracing the chaos of life with our kids. 
First up, we're delving into the importance of community support. Discover why finding your tribe is crucial and uncover some simple strategies for connecting with like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you.
Next, join Lina and me as we spill the beans on our daily routines. While routines aren't mandatory, we'll show you how a morning routine can set a positive tone for your day. Plus, I'll share some of my favorite ADHD hacks that help me conquer the day and feel ready for anything.
And for those who despise routines, fear not! We've got you covered with some veteran homeschooling mom tricks for those mornings when everything seems to go awry. Because sometimes, a little flexibility and self-care are just what the doctor ordered.
So grab your coffee, settle in, and let's dive into this wild and wonderful homeschooling journey together!
My app that takes me from feeling scattered and like I got nothing accomplished to checking off all my to do's! Start your Free Trial Today!
My Favorite Quick Sermons
Cuddle up with your Coffee and ear buds if you need to stay in bed in the morning or watch on TV. Make this routine your own! 

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Hey there, Friend! Welcome to a sneak peek into the lives of our two unique homeschooling crews.
Join us as we dive into our homeschooling journeys, sharing everything from the curriculums we love to our experiences with co-ops and socialization. And yes, we'll spill the beans on whether our homeschooling rooms are Pinterest-worthy!
Ever wonder how long it really takes us to do school each day? We'll tackle that big question and explore how homeschooling can evolve from kindergarten to high school. Spoiler alert: Homeschooling doesn't have to mimic public school. It's all about making it your own.
So grab your permission slip to personalize your homeschooling adventure. After all, nobody knows your kids quite like you do, and nobody is cheering for their success quite like you are. Let's embrace our teaching styles, have fun learning, and strengthen our bond with our little ones. Together, let's make homeschooling a confident and joyful journey!
Teach your child to read in 20 Easy Lessons.
One of Asher's Favorite ways to learn. We do about 4 pages a day and when you start from the beginning reading eggs follows along with the book reinforcing what they have already learned!
Reading Eggs and Math Seeds -
we love for the beginning stages a fun interactive platform leaving your kids wanting to do more!
The Good and the Beautiful-
an easy laid out curriculum with everything you need to teach your littles. If you are unsure where to begin with your child make sure to check out their placement test!
Indescribable: 100 Devotions For Kids About God and Science:
When I am struggling to get Asher motivated to learn we start here. A quick read to teach him about God and Science with some cool pictures that we google more if he has more questions. Fun for the whole family! 
Indescribable: 100 Devotions For Kids About God and Science:
Homeschool Laws in your State- Homeschool Laws in Your State
Connect with me at:
Connect with Lina at:

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Welcome to a heartfelt conversation filled with Mom talk and spiritual insights on Connecting with God in an already Busy Day. In this episode, I'm thrilled to be joined by my dear friend, Lina Noe, as we dive into the beautiful journey of hearing from God amidst the chaos of everyday life. Together, we'll explore practical ideas and heartfelt ways to nurture your relationship with him, even in the midst of a bustling schedule. From insightful tips to personal stories, we'll empower you to make these ideas your own, creating a loving and authentic connection with a God who cherishes you. So grab a cup of coffee, cozy up, and join us for an uplifting conversation that promises to inspire and guide you on your spiritual journey.
Let's Grow,
Let's Connect! Email me at
Lina and I Use and Love the YouVersion Bible app it makes it easy and fun to connect with friends if you would love to do your own streaks, plans, or Proverbs 31 Challenge! Reading Proverbs 31: 10- 31 daily for 31 days. I would love to hear how this challenge blesses you if you decide to take it! 
Rachel Hollis's Start today journal:

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Hey friend,In this episode, we dive into making Homeschooling all your own. We will explore the freedoms it provides for both students and parents so you can feel confident when you start your school day! From flexible scheduling to personalized learning experiences. Homeschooling provides a variety of opportunities to make this journey yours with massive growth and fun exploration with your littles that will leave you grateful that you chose Homeschooling! 
Lets Grow,
Let's Connect
Curriculum Mentioned
Our Family Favorite Who Was Books
Who Was Milton Hershey -
Who Was Princess Diana-
Who Was Sacagawea-
Who Was Harriet Tubman-
Disclaimer Some of the links may be affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you, if you decide to make a purchase through one of our recommended partners. We only recommend products and services we trust and believe will be beneficial to our listeners. This helps support ourefforts in bringing you valuable content. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

Are you feeling the urge to choose homeschooling and wondering if it would be right for you? Are you frustrated with the current school systems and what kids are learning and experiencing in school these days? If you’re unsure about how to teach your children everything they ”need” to know while still maintaining your sanity, I understand. Also,  what about socialization? Do homeschooled kids have opportunities to socialize? These are all normal questions!
If these concerns are holding you back, I have some answers! Hi, I’m Kelsie Shelaine, a mother of four with years of homeschooling experience under my belt and I was right there with you!
It doesn’t have to be so difficult sister! Let me guide you through the beginning of your homeschooling journey and help you avoid years of trial and error. We will discuss where to start and share tips that have been game-changers. Let me share with you how to come from a nervous momma, who struggled in school herself and battled all the negative self-talk, to a confident mom growing in faith, and mindset, while successfully achieving homeschooling goals with her kids! I am excited to show you fun and simple ways to homeschool effectively, and spark a love of learning, all starting at just 20 minutes a day! 
By making God the center of your school, adopting mindset strategies, and fitting school into your life, you will become a confident and unstoppable homeschooling mom. Let’s raise some Kingdom Kids!


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