Wednesday May 08, 2024

Ep:005 Finding 'Me' Time in Homeschooling Chaos. Routines + Community!

Welcome to another episode of our homeschooling journey! Today, we're tackling the delicate balance of staying sane while embracing the chaos of life with our kids. 

First up, we're delving into the importance of community support. Discover why finding your tribe is crucial and uncover some simple strategies for connecting with like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you.

Next, join Lina and me as we spill the beans on our daily routines. While routines aren't mandatory, we'll show you how a morning routine can set a positive tone for your day. Plus, I'll share some of my favorite ADHD hacks that help me conquer the day and feel ready for anything.

And for those who despise routines, fear not! We've got you covered with some veteran homeschooling mom tricks for those mornings when everything seems to go awry. Because sometimes, a little flexibility and self-care are just what the doctor ordered.

So grab your coffee, settle in, and let's dive into this wild and wonderful homeschooling journey together!



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Cuddle up with your Coffee and ear buds if you need to stay in bed in the morning or watch on TV. Make this routine your own! 

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